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Association of Engineers for Water Management, Waste Management and Land Improvement (BWK)


... is Germany's leading network for technicians, engineers and scientists in water and waste management and all disciplines of environmental engineering. Founded in 1904, it is still the professional and trade association for more than 3,500 personal and over 400 supporting members from public administration, universities and technical colleges, research facilities and institutes, special purpose associations, engineering and consulting companies, construction firms and industrial enterprises. BWK is home to students, young professionals, experienced professionals and retirees, who are networked in 10 regional associations and more than 50 district groups. BWK develops working and instruction sheets as modern instruments for holistic, ecologically oriented, quantitative and qualitative water and waste management as well as comprehensive soil protection.


The association

... brings together hydrologists, geologists, physicists, chemists, biologists, environmental engineers, civil engineers, water management experts, hydraulic engineers, waste management experts, geographers, geo-ecologists, administrative economists and students. It offers its members various possibilities of networking and professional training. The regional associations and the district groups organize seminars, conferences, courses, lectures and excursions. The Federal Association organizes congresses, trade exhibitions and conferences, manages the association's regulatory work, cooperates with technical and scientific associations with the same objectives and represents the interests of BWK members in politics and society.


The Young Forum at BWK

... includes students, engineers and natural scientists who are in the process of studying or starting their careers, who would like a change after their first professional experiences or who are in the process of studying or working. The Young Forum at BWK is an inter-state association and sends representatives to the Federal Executive Board and the Federal Assembly.


The trade journal and association journal of BWK

... is "Wasser und Abfall" (Water and Waste), which is published by BWK. The journal pursues the goals of publishing technical and scientific results and of presenting and evaluating the social effects of environmental protection. The wide range of topics covered in " Wasser und Abfall" corresponds to the wide range of specialist and interest areas of BWK members and readers and primarily covers the fields of water, waste, law, soil and energy.


The BWK's set of rules

... consists of technical rules and technical and scientific reports. The set of rules and regulations provides modern instruments for a holistic, ecologically oriented quantitative and qualitative water and waste management as well as comprehensive soil protection. The specifications for measures, plants and facilities contained in worksheets form a benchmark for impeccable technical behaviour, which in particular also takes into account economic and ecological requirements. They are developed in cooperation with interested experts in a public procedure.


The advantages of BWK membership

... include not only free delivery of the trade and association journal "Wasser und Abfall" (Water and Waste), but also participation in all BWK training and further education events at member rates and the discounted purchase of BWK leaflets, BWK software and BWK reports.